Infographic, Icon and layout design.
The strategic work plan for heritage projects -
The National Library of Israel
2023 summary 
*selected pages
The National Library of Israel, 2023
Language: Hebrew

Infographics* and cover design for the book: Punching Above Its Weight | Sophie Shulman

Many of its successes lie in the crises, threats and difficulties that have accompanied Israel since its founding, and the ability to turn enormous challenges into unimaginable successes is the Israeli story.
*selected pages

Punching Above Its Weight

Yedioth Books, 2023
Language: Hebrew
Author: Sophie Shulman
Editor: Mika Dafni-Zait
Design: Noah Ambar
Project manager: Ruthy Ben-Ari
Language editor: Rotem Kislev

Womans Day came and left. With one difference. @the israel women's network made a post with one question what word most irritates you as a woman? The most irritating word was: calm down the second was husband (in Hebrew) which translates to owner
Don’t Buy Me a Rose

G Magazine (Globes), 2021
Language: Hebrew

Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US left the White House.
When he took office, the US economy was in an abysmal state. He managed to reignite it.

Obama-Fun, The END

Calcalist Newspaper, 2017
Language: Hebrew
Editor: Tamar Tunik

Weizmann Institute of Science

Editor: Ido Eitan

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